
October 30, 2009


在貧困村中的兒童和青少年必須經常去回收廢鐵,幫助家庭收入。較好的時候, 孩子可以掙與成年人相等的工資。糟糕的時候,當他們會因誤觸炸彈和其他危險物品而失去性命。


回收廢鐵的孩子   2008  James A. Harris 版權所有.

  • It’s 3 o’ clock in the after noon.


  • A scrap dealer dropped these villagers off in the morning

” 廢鐵回收商於白天將這些村民帶到這裡下車”

  • Sometime In the next hour he will pick them up


  • At first, these kids were shy.

“一開始, 孩子們有點害羞” (因為Jim在拍攝他們)

  • Yal jokes , laughs and teases.

“所以Yal在試著逗他們笑” (Yal是Jim的助理)

  • Soon, they are comfortable with our cameras.
“很快的, 他們習慣了我們的攝影”
  • The detectors come from Vietnam. They cost about $16.
“這些金屬探測器是越南帶來的. 一個大約16元美金”
(金屬探測器就是他們手上拿的東西, 如果他們錢不夠買, 則會用找來的廢鐵交換)
  • Yai knows to be careful.

“Yai知道要小心一點” (這已經是孩子們將廢鐵回收後)

  • Sometimes the bags contain bombies and other unexploded ordnance.
  • The kids don’t know what some things are.
  • Luckily, these things are safe.
“很幸運, 這些東西是安全的”
  • We challenge a girl to find some scrap we’ve hidden.
“我們將一個廢鐵藏了起來, 並挑戰看女孩找不找的到”
  • The dealer finally arrives.
  • Everyone is eager to learn how much they have earned today.
  • They will get 2000 kip per kilo.  That’s about 12 US cent per pound.

“他們會拿到一公斤約2000 kip的價錢, 1磅大約是 12美分”

  • The dealer sells the scrap to a foundry for 3000 kip per kilo
“廢鐵回收商將廢鐵賣出給鑄造商則一公斤約3000 kip”
  • On an average day this dealer takes in 500 kilo of scrap
  • On a very good day, he might get 1000 kilo or more.
“如果那天收穫不錯的話, 他可能回收1000公斤或更多”
  • It’s not a good idea to be this close to someone dumping a bag of scrap.
“當有人在將一帶廢鐵放下的時候, 最好不要太靠近” (因為隨時可能有炸彈在裡面)
  • After everyone has been paid the dealer sells them ice cream
“回收商將工資發完後, 開始賣冰淇淋給他們 “
  • Kids who have more money than others treat their friends.


  • Dealers cooperate rather than compete.
“與其競爭, 回收商選擇合作.”
  • Each takes a different day of the week.
  • The dealer is ready to pick up the next group waiting down the road.
“回收商已經準備好繼續往前開, 去接正在等待的下一組村民”
  • Less than a week after our visit, two teenagers from this village died while collecting scrap.
“在我們去拜訪後不到一個星期, 這村落裡的兩個年輕人在收集廢鐵的時候死了”
  • They did not recognize a piece of ordnance.
  • One of them tapped it to knock off the dirt.


  • It exploded and killed them both instantly.
  • Bombs are not selfish, they share everything they’ve got with everyone around.
  • He has made 35000 kip today. Equal to about 4 US dollars.

“這男孩今天賺了35000kip. 這等於是4塊美金”

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