(十分感謝本篇翻譯作者:Fantine Yeh, 台灣, 15/2/2010)
James A. Harris Jim1833@AOL.com
UXO Accident In Laos – Bomb Fishing (寮國的未爆彈意外—炸魚)
Yai: Hello. My name is Bounphaslth Xayavong. I work in villiages in the Nakai District. Everyone calls me “Yai”. Every year so many Lao people are injured or killed by UXO. Fifty percent of the people injured or killed handled the UXO on purpose. They open it. They move it. They hit it. Or, they might use the UXO to do work like blowing stumps. One day in Nakai Tai village. I heard the sound of crying. On that day a man was killed… while fishing with UXO. His wife and mother-in-law agreed to share their story with us. And, to warn others who might make a similar mistake. Let’s talk with them together.( 您好,我是Bounphaslth Xayavong,在Nakai的村裡工作,大家叫我Yai。每一年,都有許多寮人因為戰後遺留的未爆彈而受傷或死亡,其中,有五成的人是刻意開啟、移動並引爆未爆彈。或著,他們想使用未爆彈來完成他們的工作。某天在Nakai村,我聽到一聲哭喊,一個正在捕魚的男人當場死亡。他的妻子和岳母同意分享這個故事,來警告其他正在從事相同錯誤的人們。讓我們開始對談吧。)
Wife: This is a picture of my husband. I save it to remember him. I look at this photo when I think about him.(這是我丈夫的照片。我一直都保存他、紀念他。每當我想念他,我就拿起這照片出來看.)
Kao Died at age 27 (Kao 死亡,27歲)
Yai: Please tell us about the day.(請告訴我們當天的情形)
Wife: When my husband died I felt sad. I felt shocked when he was killed. (我對丈夫的死亡感到很難過,沒想到他會因此而死。)
Mother-in-law: She collapsed. Friends had to hold her up! (她當時完全崩潰,需要朋友攙扶她。)
Wife: I realized that my husband died because of UXO. ( 我知道丈夫是因為未爆彈而死的。)
Mother-in-law: She had never seen that kind of death before.(她從來沒有見過這種死亡方式。)
Yai: Mother, please tell us what happened?(母親,請妳告訴我們事發經過。)
Mother-in-law: I heard the explosion. I thought, “Oh, it’s the noon explosion”. But someone said, “It’s not noon yet. It’s only 11:00 AM. ” I wasn’t worried because I knew that my children were at home. I went to the doctor to get an injection. When I came home people told me that my son-in-law had been killed. A man said, “I was checking my fishing nets and I saw it happen.” After that, I cried. I was crying, but I took two blankets because I thought, “My relatives have gone to the rice fields, my daughter is home alone, her husband has been killed and she won’t know what to do!” I put the blankets on my shoulder and started walking. I was crying. When I arrived I saw him lying dead. He was crumpled on the ground. He lost his right forearm. And his left arm was gone from here down. Because he used his left hand it was cut from here. Someone took the blankets from me and was about to roll his body. I said, “Wait until I finish crying.” I cried ntil I was too tried to cry more. Then, I told my husband to get water to wash my son-in-law’s body. To wash the blood from his face and body. I used a knife to cut off his shirt. I took the shirt to wash. I rolled him up and we carried his body. My daughter got a tractor and cart to take him home and put on a new shirt.(我聽到爆炸的巨響,以為這是正午的引爆。但有人說,現在還不到正午,現在才11點。當時,因為孩子們都在家裡,我並不擔心,還到醫院接受注射。當我回家時,才聽到我的女婿因此死亡的消息。然後,我大哭起來,同時拿著兩條被毯,因為我想,我的親戚們都到富裕的地方,只有女兒待在家中,她丈夫的死將會她不知所措。我把被毯扛在肩上,邊哭邊走。當我到達,我看到他已經死亡,完全平躺在地上,失去了右前臂及左臂。因為他是左撇子,所以左手傷得較嚴重。有人從我手上接過毯子,要去包裹他的身體。我說:「等等,給我時間哀悼。」我一直哭到眼淚流盡,沒有力氣才停止。接著,我叫我丈夫拿水來洗淨女婿的身體、臉上和身上的血跡。我用小刀割開他的衣服,並用衣服來擦洗他的身體。女兒則找來拖拉機和車子把女婿載回家,然後為他換上新的衣服。)
Yai: What would you like to say to a person who might go bomb fishing? (妳想對正在從事炸魚的人說些什麼?)
Wife: My husband died because he fished with UXO. In the future, I never want others to do what my husband did. Use my husband as an example. (我丈夫因為用未爆彈進行炸魚而死亡。 此後,我再也不希望任何人做出和我丈夫所做一樣的事情。讓我丈夫當前例。)
Mother-in-law: I agree. I want people to tell their children to never do the same. (沒錯,我希望大家可以告訴他們的孩子,別再做一樣的事情。)
Wife: I don’t want others to have my husband’s fate. You will either die or become disabled. Your family will become poor like me. Before, we never ran out of food. After he died our food ran out. We ran out of money. I don’t want it to happen to other people. (我不希望任何人走上和我丈夫相同的命運。這樣的行為也會使你死亡或殘疾。你的家庭會和我一樣貧困。在這之前,我們家從不匱乏食物。自從他死後,我們的食物已經吃完了,也沒有錢。我不希望這些再發生在其他人身上。)
Mother-in-law: Whenever I see fish in the market I get tears in my eyes. I think about my son-in-law. (每當我在市場裡看到魚,總是眼淚盈眶。那讓我想起我的女婿。)
Yai: Mother, do you have a message..for children or adults…who might go fishing with UXO? (母親,你有沒有任何話想對欲從事未爆彈釣魚的年輕人說?)
Mother-in-law: When you go to other villages tell them to not do the same thing. Look at my son-in-law as an example. If you die, your life is over. His wife became a widow before her time. They were just beginning to build a life together. (當你到其他村莊時,告訴他們別再做一樣的事情。看看我的女婿,如果你死了,你的生命就結束,你的妻子將終生成為寡婦….。他們才剛要開始共度他們的人生。)
Yai: When a man or a husband does something dangerous, the wife at home feels sad. For example, a husband might go bomb fishing like your husband. What would you tell that wife to tell her husband? ( 當一個男人或丈夫從事危險的事情,他家中的妻子會感到難過。就像你的丈夫出外炸魚一樣。你認為那個妻子該要如何與他的丈夫溝通?)
Wife: Tell your husbands, “Don’t do that”. Tell your relatives, “Don’t do the same.”. Tell them to fish with hooks or nets. Don’t use explosives. If it explodes, you die! Our family will be poor. (告訴她的丈夫:「不要那樣做」。告訴她的親戚:「不要那樣做」。告訴他們,用鈎或網捕魚,不要用炸彈。一旦發生爆炸,有人會死,家庭會從此貧困。)
Yai: Today, the two of you gave us excellent information. Good for us because we would like to use this recording to teach others. Warning them. We hope to save lives. We don’t want them to die.(今天,兩位帶給我們一個非常可貴的訊息,我們會用這些影片來教導、警告其他人,希望可以以此挽救生命。我們不希望再有人因此而死。)
Mother-in-law: The living should learn from those who have died. A lesson.( 活著的人都應該將已故者當作前車之鑑。)